Took me a while, but I finally figured out how to transfer photos taken on my iPhone to my Windows XP computer! Yes, I know you can also click on a photo and e-mail it to yourself and others, but do you really want to do that 20 times every time you come home from a night out? And of course you run the risk of sending the wrong photo to the wrong contact and … From what I’ve heard and read, fellow iPhoners that have tried to do this with iPhoto in Windows Vista or Mac OS . Unfortunately, the bright boys at Apple didn’t create a “download photos” button in iTunes or in the phone UI and the painfully short instruction manual that comes with the phone doesn’t cover this subject, but there is a safe and easy way to do this outside of iTunes!
Step 1: Connect iPhone, without turning on iTunes. Remember this little pop-up window?
Step 2: Run “My Computer”. You may notice a little camera icon called “Apple iPhone”… yes, that’s how Windows XP displays your little slice of heaven! A freakin’ camera (well, at least they capitalized the P and not the i)!
Step 3: Double-click on the iPhone / camera icon. You’ll get the opening screen from Window’s “Scanner and Camera Wizard”:
Depending on how adventurous you feel, you’ll either hit “Next” (the easy way) or you’ll click on “advanced users only”. In that case, what you’ll see is…
Nothing! No pictures! Don’t worry, you’re getting close…
Step 4: Click on “Get pictures from camera”. See it? Under “Camera tasks”? There they are!
You can now copy and paste from iPhone to any directory on your PC.
Alternate Step 4: If you hit the “Next” button instead of “Advanced”, Windows XP will run its “Scanner and camera wizard”, which lets you mark the photos you want to transfer:
and create a directory for them:
Shockingly simple, isn’t it? There’s also another way to start the wizard, . Just so we’re clear, unless stated otherwise, this blog assumes “advanced” (and curious) users. Otherwise, how would you have found this article???