[app] Poweramp music player
is a fully featured music player developed for android. PowerAMP’s well designed interface makes listening to music easy. Besides being able to play almost any file you throw at it, the app automatically will download album artwork and features a 10 band graphical equalizer. It includes several well designed widgets of various sizes as well [...]
Ease of customization
One thing I really appreciate about android is it’s ability to be customized multiple ways. This is a screen shot from my htc evo. I had a minimalist theme going on here and was running myns warm 2.2 rom. When I showed my evo to a couple of buddys who have evos as well, they [...]
[App] Root call blocker
Today I found a great app in the market called . It is root only, but that is because this app actually blocks the calls and doesn’t just reject them. is packed with features including: -profiles -detailed logging -choose a network reply (Reject, Alternative Reject or Dont answer) Not only does control your calls, it [...]

HTC reviews policy on bootloaders
After pressure from android enthusiasts, has plans to review current policies regarding locking down bootloaders in there phone. Locking down the bootloader prevents the ability to flash a custom rom, which many people prefer to the stock rom feel. I really appreciate them listening to the consumers of their product, and helping to keep android [...]